Fun cat facts and feline tidbits
Discover the allure and mystery of cats through our extensive collection of articles on the VividMoo Automatic Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box blog. Our library boasts over 100 pieces filled with intriguing cat lore. Explore various aspects of feline life, including their coat patterns, breeds, remarkable skills, and more.
Did you know cats possess a natural inclination to use a litter box? This behavior stems from their wild ancestors' survival tactics. To evade predators, they concealed their trails and buried their excrement to obscure their scent, favoring the soft, pliable nature of dirt or sand for its ease in hiding their waste.
But there's more to cats than meets the eye. For instance, cats vocalize through meows primarily for human interaction, not with other felines. A gathering of cats is termed either a clowder or a glaring, while a collection of kittens is known as a kindle. Surprisingly, 30% to 50% of cats do not respond to catnip due to a missing genetic component. Studies indicate that the vibrations from a cat's purr may have self-healing properties. People allergic to cats react not to their fur but to a protein present in the cat's saliva, urine, and dander, known as Fel d 1. Cats are drawn to boxes for their instinctual need for a concealed spot to ambush prey or stay hidden to avoid predators, a trait inherited from their wild forebears. Cats do not perceive the world in black and white; however, they are believed to be red-green colorblind. At one year old, a kitten is developmentally similar to a 15-year-old human. Interestingly, most cats are lactose intolerant. The whiskers of a cat enhance their directional sense and spatial perception.
Shall we delve deeper? The term "tabby" refers not to a breed but to a coat pattern. Cats have a third eyelid that protects their cornea. When cats hiss, they are mimicking snakes. Contrary to the notion of being nocturnal, house cats are actually crepuscular, meaning they are most active at twilight. A cat's lifespan can significantly vary depending on whether it lives indoors or outdoors. Due to their remarkable righting reflex, cats almost always land on their feet. The distinct odor of cat urine is due to its high concentration; originating from desert ancestors, cats evolved to absorb much of the water from their urine to stay hydrated. Cats that knead frequently might have been separated from their mothers at an early age. Lastly, when cats knock items over, it's not out of mischief but rather an instinctual behavior to check for hidden prey.