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Can Cats Eat Beans?

Can Cats Eat Beans?

So, can cats eat beans? All in all, it’s best to celebrate National Bean Day without your furry family members. While most cats won’t experience issues from eating beans, there are much more appropriate sources of protein for them. Learn more about human foods that are and aren’t safe for cats.
What Causes Blood in Cat Urine?

What Causes Blood in Cat Urine?

So, how are some of these problems treated?
Do Cats Get Hiccups?

Do Cats Get Hiccups?

So, do cats get hiccups? Yes, they sure can. In most cases, your cat’s hiccups are not cause for alarm and will go away on their own. When in doubt, make an appointment with your veterinarian if you’re concerned about your kitty’s case of hiccups. 
What Human Food Can Cats Eat?

What Human Food Can Cats Eat?

Cats can eat plain bread. Never give your cat raw dough or yeast, as it leads to expansion in the stomach and can produce carbon dioxide and ethanol alcohol.
What Smells Do Cats Hate?

What Smells Do Cats Hate?

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we learned a delightful fact about big cats: They love the smell of perfumes! In recent years, zookeepers at Banham Zoo in the UK put out a call for old or unwanted perfumes, which are sprayed in big cats’ enclosures as part of their positive enrichment programs. In particular, the big kitties seem to love Calvin Klein perfume. Check out the video below!
Why Is My Cat Losing Hair?

Why Is My Cat Losing Hair?

Fortunately, in most cases your cat’s hair will grow back—provided they have been properly diagnosed and treated. There is a chance that hair will not regrow if the hair follicles in the affected area are irreversibly damaged. If this is the case, that missing hair should not have a long-lasting impact on your cat: they will adjust to their new normal.  
How Long Do Cats Live? Average Lifespan of a House Cat

How Long Do Cats Live? Average Lifespan of a House Cat

Don’t have time to scoop litter daily? Solve your problem easily with Litter-Robot! This self-cleaning litter box separates waste from the clean litter after your cat exits. When you download the app, you’ll be able to effortlessly monitor your cat's waste habits with updates sent right to your phone. 

While the average lifespan of a house cat varies between 10 and 15 years, following these guidelines can help your cat live a longer, healthier, and happier life! 

Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

By understanding the reasons behind why your cat licks you, you can better appreciate these moments, recognizing them as signs of love, trust, and curiosity. It encourages us to pay closer attention to our pets' behavior, understanding their needs and emotions more deeply. So, the next time you find yourself on the receiving end of a cat's lick, take a moment to consider what they might be telling you. It's a small gesture that holds a world of meaning, strengthening the bond you share with your furry companion.

Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Unfortunately, food poisoning from things like chocolate happens far too frequently in cats. Now you know how grave the consequences can be, so be mindful about your chocolate stash. Keep chocolaty foods and treats guarded in firmly closed containers and cabinets, be wary of feeding your cat anything that might contain chocolate, and take a moment to educate house guests and friends who might interact with your cat about chocolate toxicity. If you're lamenting the loss of your candy dish, keep your cat safe and put a lid on it.
Surprising Smells Cats Hate

Surprising Smells Cats Hate

What odors do cats dislike, and why should you care? Understanding which smells cats hate can have practical applications in the real world. For instance, if you’re trying to keep...