Animal Behavior
Animal Bonding
Automatic Cat Litter Box
Automatic Cleaning
Automatic Cleaning Litter Box
Automatic Litter Box
Cat Bathing Tips
Cat Behavior
Cat Biology
Cat Bonding
Cat Breeds
Cat Care
Cat Care Tips
cat facts
Cat Feeding Guidelines
Cat Growth
Cat Health
Cat HealthPet Care
Cat Hygiene
Cat Licking Explained
cat litter box
Cat Litter Solutions
Cat Nutrition
Cat Pregnancy
Cat Supplies
Cat Teeth
Cat Territory Behavior
Cat Training
Early Signs of Pregnancy
Feline Diet Advice
Feline Gestation
Happy Cats
Healthy Snacks for Pets
Lactose Intolerance
Peanut Butter Safety
Pet Care
Pet Food Alternatives
Pet Health
Pet Health Tips
pet technology
Safe Foods for Cats
self-cleaning litter box
Toxic Foods for Cats
What Causes Blood in Cat Urine?
So, how are some of these problems treated?
What Human Food Can Cats Eat?
Cats can eat plain bread. Never give your cat raw dough or yeast, as it leads to expansion in the stomach and can produce carbon dioxide and ethanol alcohol.
April 09, 2024
What Smells Do Cats Hate?
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we learned a delightful fact about big cats: They love the smell of perfumes! In recent years, zookeepers at Banham Zoo in the UK put out a call for old or unwanted perfumes, which are sprayed in big cats’ enclosures as part of their positive enrichment programs. In particular, the big kitties seem to love Calvin Klein perfume. Check out the video below!